Plans, Reports, Reviews and Studies
Accessibility Plan |
The Town of Kingsville is committed to increasing and enhancing accessibility to its programs, services and facilities. The Town has moved steadily towards providing a higher level of accessibility to its services, programs and infrastructures. Read our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan |
Annual Report |
Our Annual Report highlights our work last year to achieve Council's goals and objectives. |
Asset Management Plan |
Kingsville's Asset Management Plan (AMP) serves as a strategic, tactical, and financial document, ensuring the management of the municipal infrastructure follows sound asset management practices and principles, while optimizing available resources and establishing desired levels of service. Kingsville has adopted a Strategic Asset Management Policy to provide a framework for the continuous improvement of the asset management planning process. |
Budget |
Our annual budget determines how we fund services (and service levels) we provide, infrastructure-related projects and other priority initiatives that benefit our community. |
Cedar Beach and Marina Action Plan |
The Cedar Beach and Marina Action Plan represents a guide to the development and operation of the municipal marina and Cedar Island Beach area. |
Community Improvement Plan (CIP) |
Community improvement continues to be a key part of the ongoing maintenance and development in the Town of Kingsville. The general purpose of any improvement programs is to maintain and enrich the Cottam downtown area by realizing the benefits of the area. Read the Downtown Cottam Community Improvement Plan. |
Comprehensive Transportation Master Plan (CTMP) |
The Kingsville Comprehensive Transportation Master Plan (CTMP) is a strategy for accommodating growth in the Town until 2037. It involves multi-modal transportation investments and aims to create a safe and accessible transportation network that prioritizes sustainability and community connections. |
Cottam Revitalization Plan |
The Cottam Revitalization Plan provides a broad vision, guiding principles and recommendations for future betterment of the Cottam area. |
Council Priorities |
Each term, Council identifies its top Council Priorities. |
Development Manual |
Kingsville's Development Manual is a dynamic document which recognizes the Municipality’s desire to implement innovative design within the built environment based on the principles of the “Healthy Places, Healthy People” mandate of the IMPCC (Inter-Municipal Planning Consultation Committee). |
Engineer's Reports |
Drainage 7th Concession Drain – Emergency Bridge Replacement – 3486 Arner Townline |
Economic Development Strategy |
Kingsville's Economic Development Strategy is designed to focus and refine activities of the Town and specifically the actions of the Tourism and Economic Development. It is focused on talent and community building within the municipality and future positioning and reputation building outside the municipality. |
Official Plan |
The Official Plan is a statement of goals, objectives and policies intended to guide future land use, physical development, and growth within the Town of Kingsville. The policies of the Plan are designed to promote the public interest in the future development of the Town, reduce uncertainty relating to future development, and to provide a basis for the Zoning By-law and other land use control. The Official Plan is reviewed every five years. |
Operational Plan |
Kingsville's Operational Plan supports the overall goal of Kingsville Environmental Services and the Kingsville Water Distribution System to develop, implement and continuously improve its Quality Management System for the Kingsville Distribution System. |
Strategic Plan |
The Town of Kingsville adopted its Strategic Plan - a 2040 Vision for Kingsville, at its December 11, 2023 meeting. Working with members of Administration, listening to residents and led through the process by Collier Project Leaders, Council established four priorities to guide decision-making and actions in Kingsville's short, medium and long term future. The plan establishes four key priorities:
Tourism Plan |
The Town of Kingsville worked with a group of key stakeholders to develop a Tourism Plan that guides strategy and marketing. |
Water and Sewage System Reports |
Water Reports
Sanitary Collection and Storm Water Reports