Commonly Requested By-Laws
By-law Name | By-law Number |
Boarding, Lodging and Rooming Houses (BLRH) | 3-2024, as amended |
Cemeteries | 120-2018 |
Discharge of Firearms and Bows | 10-2004 |
Election Sign By-law | 76-2018 |
Fees and Charges | 89-2024, as amended |
Fences (including Pool Fences) | 127-2017 |
Fireworks | 102-2003, as amended |
Garbage | 25-2001 |
Keeping of Animals (exotic pets) | 23-2001 |
Large Holiday Displays | 85-2024 |
Lawn Watering By-law | 55-2003 |
Licensing Refreshment Vehicles | 90-2004 |
Licensing, Regulating and Registration of Dogs, Dog Bites and Muzzling |
103-2003 |
Noise | 69-2003, as amended |
Odours and Light Nuisance By-law (cultivation of plants) | 96-2020 |
Open Air Burning | 57-2019 |
Portable Signs | 91-2015 |
Procedure By-law | 68-2024 |
Property Standards | 72-2024, as amended |
Recreational Vehicles (storage & parking) | 27-2021 |
Removal of Dog Excrement | 31-2000 |
Sewage Discharge | 80-2004 |
Short-Term Rentals | 82-2024 |
Site Plan Control Area | 5-2023 |
Smoking | 96-2016 |
Standards for Yard Waste and Exterior Property Maintenance | 83-2015 |
Taxi | 128-2004 |
Traffic & Parking | 21-2005 |
Trees | 71-2014 |
Water and Sewage Rates | 67-2023 |
Zoning | 1-2014, as amended |
Some versions of by-laws for the Town of Kingsville found on this website may be consolidated, repealed or amended. The information is provided as a convenience only and should not be relied on as an official copy. Every effort was made to provide accurate and timely information, however errors may occur. The Corporation of the Town of Kingsville will not be responsible for any direct, indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use, or misuse, of this information.
By-laws adopted by the Town of Kingsville from 2000 to the present are available on our By-law Index page.