The Town of Kingsville has a variety of Committees and Boards, ranging in scope of work. Members are selected through a formal application process. Learn more about the committees that are working hard to serve our community!
The Town of Kingsville is seeking resident volunteers to serve on the following Committees.
- Communities in Bloom
- Migration Festival
- Fantasy of Lights
If you are interested in applying to any of the above Committees, please complete the following form:
Application for Appointment to a Board or Committee
Committee of the Whole |
This is an advisory only committee of Council and has replaced the following committees: Tourism and Economic Development, Parks Recreation Arts & Culture, Striking, Personnel and Planning Advisory. The committee has all members of council and 2 staff members. This committee meets every third Monday of each month except in March, July, August and December. Committee Members:
Committee of Adjustment & Appeals |
The Committee of Adjustment & Appeals serves as the Town's Committee of Adjustment, Court of Revision, Property Standards Committee, fence-viewer body, and By-law Appeals Committee. They meet monthly to review applications and hear appeals. Committee Members:
Purpose The purpose of the Committee of Adjustment & Appeals is to:
Scope The committee shall exercise such powers authorized under Planning Act, Drainage Act, Building Code Act, Line Fences Act, and certain Town By-laws. |
Communities in Bloom |
This committee organizes the Communities in Bloom Judges' Tour. This contest is held every year and members plan with local business and residents all the natural beauty of Kingsville. Committee Members:
Purpose The purpose of the committee is to work with the Municipality, Businesses and Individuals to prepare the Town of Kingsville for the annual Communities in Bloom Judges’ Tour. Scope The Committee shall:
E.L.K. Energy Inc. Board of Directors |
Pursuant to an agreement among the municipalities of Kingsville, Essex and Lakeshore, E.L.K. Energy was formed to provide hydro-electric services to those communities. Kingsville Council will nominate one resident to be considered for appointment to the E.L.K. Board of Directors. The E.L.K. Board will make the final appointment. |
Fantasy of Lights |
This committee provides assistance with the planning and operation of the Fantasy of Lights festival. Committee Members:
Purpose The purpose of the committee is to assist with the planning, organizing and operating of the annual Fantasy of Lights Festival. Scope The Committee shall:
Joint Management Board of the Union Water Supply System (UWSS) |
Committee Members:
Kingsville Accessibility Advisory Committee |
This committee provides advice and recommendations to Council on town buildings and services to make sure accessibility needs are met under the AODA guidelines. Committee Members:
Purpose To fulfill the requirements as set out in Section 29 of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. Scope
At the request of Council, the Committee shall review and provide advice to Council on the accessibility for persons with disabilities regarding a service performed by the Town; a purchase of service by the Town; and/or the scope and effect of by-law. |
Kingsville Business Improvement Association Board of Management (BIA) |
Committee Members:
Purpose The purpose of the board of management is:
Scope The board of management shall fulfil its purpose through marketing initiatives, business recruitment, streetscape and amenity improvements including seasonal decorations, holding of special events, and advocating on behalf of the interests of the improvement area. |
Kingsville 2022 Election Compliance Audit Committee |
This committee deals with matters regarding election campaign finances. Committee Members:
Purpose To fulfill the mandatory requirements of section 81.1 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 Scope The Committee shall perform the functions relating to a compliance audit as outlined in section 81 the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, including:
Kingsville Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee |
This committee promotes and protects the heritage properties that are in Kingsville. There are 34 heritage designations within the Town of Kingsville. Committee Members:
Essex County OPP Detachment Board - South |
Pursuant to the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, as of April 1, 2024, the Kingsville Police Services Board was dissolved and a new Essex County OPP Detachment Board - South was created that is comprised of the Town of Kingsville, Municipality of Leamington, Township of Pelee and Caldwell First Nation. The newly formed Essex County OPP Detachment Board - South is responsible for the provision of police services for the communities. Board Members: The Board includes members from all four communities:
Migration Festival Committee |
This committee plans and operates Kingsville's Migration Festival with the parks and recreation department. Committee Members:
Purpose The committee shall create a memorable, fiscally responsible annual festival to commemorate the works of Jack Miner and the Town’s historic position in terms of the annual migration of birds and water fowl in the area. Scope The Committee shall:
The Town of Kingsville will select committee members each new term of council or when a vacancy becomes available.