By-Law Index
The Council of the Town of Kingsville passes by-laws at each meeting to authorize actions and confirm its decisions.
By-laws adopted by the Town of Kingsville from 2000 to the present are listed in the By-law index. Please note that the descriptions listed for each by-law reflect the Title of the By-law. This index does not track repeals or amendments of any of the By-laws. Every effort has been made to provide accurate and timely information, however errors may occur. The Corporation of the Town of Kingsville will not be responsible for any direct, indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use, or misuse, of this information.
To obtain an official version of a by-law, an accessible version of a by-law, or to find out additional information about any of the By-laws, please contact the Clerk's Department at 519-733-2305.
Please be advised that the zoning by-law is amended on a regular basis. All zoning amendments must be confirmed with the Planning Department.