By-Law Enforcement
The staff in By-law Enforcement respond to complaints relating to violations of Town of Kingsville By-laws. The following is a complete listing of the By-laws that this department enforces:
- Zoning By-law
- Property Standards By-law
- Fence By-law
- Building By-law
- Yard and Waste By-law
- Portable Sign By-law
- Odour and Nuisance (Night Sky) By-law
Submit a request for a non-emergency service or By-Law enforcement.
Enforcement of Other By-Laws
Some of our By-laws are enforced by other departments and different organizations.
- Back-Flow Prevention By-law (Infrastructure and Engineering Services)
- Rate of Flow Control By-law (Infrastructure and Engineering Services)
- Fireworks By-law (Ontario Provincial Police)
- Open Burn By-law (Ontario Provincial Police)
- Noise By-law (Ontario Provincial Police)
- Animal Control By-law (Animal Control Officer)