Marriage Licences and Weddings
If you wish to obtain a Marriage Licence at the Town of Kingsville, you must book an appointment in advance by calling the Clerk's Department at 519-733-2305. Appointments can be made between 9:00 am and 3:30 pm.
Application requirements
You must complete the Marriage Licence Application Form, ensuring that it is signed by both applicants and bring it with you to the appointment. We will only accept application forms with original signatures. Each person must provide two (2) original, valid pieces of identification with the application. Photocopies of documents, scanned images or pictures on electronic devices are not accepted.
Identification requirements
At least one piece of valid original identification must include your photo. Examples of acceptable government-issued identification include:
- Birth Certificate
- Passport
- Driver's Licence
- Ontario Photo Card (purple photo ID card)
- Nexus Card
- Permanent Residency Card
- Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (Canadian Citizenship Card)
- A certified translator must translate any document not written in English or French.
Divorced in Canada
You must submit one of the below documents with your application. An original or court-certified copy of the:
- Certificate of divorce
- Final decree
The court that granted the divorce can provide either of these documents. A divorce judgment or order, an uncertified photocopy, or a decree nisi are not acceptable.
Divorced outside of Canada
Please contact ServiceOntario for more information before applying for a marriage licence.
Marriage licence fee
The cost of a marriage licence is $135.00 payable by cash or debit. No personal cheques or credit cards are accepted. This fee is non-refundable.
Once issued, a marriage licence is valid anywhere in Ontario for 90 days.
Civil Marriage Services
The Town of Kingsville offers civil marriage services conducted by the Town Clerk or designate during regular office hours at Town Hall. Due to the civil nature of the service, there cannot be any religious connotation to the ceremony.
Ceremonies are available by appointment only.
A Civil Marriage Ceremony Application is to be submitted a minimum of 14 days prior to the preferred ceremony date.
The Town offers civil marriage ceremonies off site and after hours for an additional cost.
See our Civil Marriage Ceremony Fees
Civil Service Requirements
- A valid Province of Ontario Marriage Licence: Couples are requested to obtain or supply a valid Ontario Marriage Licence. Marriage licences are available from many local municipalities in Ontario.
- Two witnesses: Couples must provide two witnesses (one for each partner) who must be present at the ceremony, as specified in the Marriage Act. The Town of Kingsville does not provide witnesses outside of Town Hall.
- Language Interpreter: Couples are responsible for bringing a language interpreter, if needed, for languages other than English.