Daycares and Schools
There are numerous education options for your growing family. From newborn to high school graduate, Kingsville is the place to be to enhance your child's growth.
Early Years
KEYS EarlyON is a free play and literacy program for children ages 0-6 with their parents/caregiver.
The Discovery School Based Child Care Program of Kingsville Inc. is a non-profit organization, which seeks to support families by providing dependable, high quality child care programs that enhance the life experiences of the children in care within their own school community.
Division Road Preschool provides a friendly, warm environment with varied experiences that will allow the child to develop an interest and joy in learning and give a feeling of trust, security and self - confidence.
St. John de Brebeuf Catholic Elementary School provides a safe learning environment, which will foster life-long learning and a deeper relationship with the Catholic faith.
Gosfield North Public School is located approximately 2 km north of Cottam, in the heart of Essex County. They offer high quality classroom learning as well as a variety of clubs/sports teams and arts based learning opportunities for students.
Erie Migration District School is on Jasperson Lane, south of the Kingsville Arena. 1,045 elementary students and 753 secondary students attend. Erie Migration is dedicated to creating a vibrant, inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive.