Community Betterment
We're proud to work with community groups and organizations on initiatives that prioritize beautification and environmental sustainability in our Town.
Communities in Bloom
Our Mission
The Kingsville Communities in Bloom committee is committed to enhancing the beauty, sustainability, and vibrancy of our neighbourhoods. By fostering partnerships, sharing knowledge, and inspiring action, we aim to create flourishing spaces that promote environmental stewardship, civic pride, and beautification. Together, we nurture a greener, healthier, and more resilient future for all.
The Communities in Bloom committee regularly host events to support their goals. Please check at and use the Advanced Search, “Communities in Bloom” to see their events!
Communities in Bloom Judges' Tour
Our Communities in Bloom Committee organizes the Communities in Bloom Judges' Tour, a national program involving hundreds of municipalities showcasing their community's natural beauty. Over 60 per cent of the judging grid criteria in assessment of a community relate directly to the environment, sustainability and climate change. The Communities in Bloom program has helped over 1,000 communities in over 30 years of existence with a cumulative economic value of over $28 million
Judging criteria includes:
- Community Appearance
- Environmental Action
- Heritage Conservation
- Tree Management
- Landscape
- Plant and Floral Displays
See the 2022 Communities in Bloom Judges book.
Communities in Bloom Initiatives
Pollinator Week
Pollinator Week is an annual celebration which supports pollinator health. Each year, Communities in Bloom hosts outreach events to celebrate and educate the community about the importance of pollinators and how we can support them. In 2024, Pollinator Week is held from June 17 to 23.
Yellow Fish Road
Have you seen yellow fish painted on some of Kingsville’s storm drains? This is part of the Yellow Fish Road Program, an initiative that teaches people the importance of keeping our water clean and protecting the environment. Read more information about this program, run by the Trout Unlimited Canada.
Bee City Designation
Kingsville is a Bee City! Check out details on our Bee City status.
Greenway Guardians
Kingsville Communities in Bloom is the Greenway Guardian of the Chrysler Canada Greenway Section. Read more about the Greenway Guardian program facilitated by Essex Region Conservation.
Communities in Bloom Projects
What have we done?
- The committee hosts the Pumpkin Parade. This event is not only a fun way to show the talents of our community but also save hundreds of pounds of pumpkins from the landfill and instead be repurposed as feed for farm animals.
- The committee has partnered with Estate of Health Holistic Wellness Centre and Essex Region Conservation Authority to bring you the Meditation Trail.
- Get in Touch with Nature is a speaker series and marketplace which aims to educate patrons on the best and latest in sustainable and environmentally-friendly topics including gardening, supporting local wildlife, and protecting native species.
- In 2022, Kingsville was awarded the highest rating, 5 Blooms - Gold, from the Communities in Bloom competition.
- In 2019, Kingsville was awarded the 5 Blooms - Bronze rating from the Communities in Bloom competition.
- Visit the Lakeside Park and check out the Kingsville Mural which was organized by the committee.
- Pollinator week activities: free native plants, walking tours, and crafts.
What are we planning?
The Communities in Bloom committee is always working hard on a variety of projects, including regular garbage clean ups, outreach and fundraising events events, and planting gardens. Please reach out to learn more about their current plans at
How can you help us?
First of all, thank you for being willing to support Kingsville Communities in Bloom! According to Communities in Bloom Canada, a minimum of 2,000 hours of tangible action in communities are provided by Communities in Bloom host community volunteers
We are always looking for volunteers to support our projects and outreach events. Let us know you are interested in volunteering at
Kingsville Horticultural Society
Many of Kingsville's gardens are planted and maintained with the Kingsville Horticultural Society. When you see gardeners tending to flower beds at Town Hall, Lakeside Park, and other public properties across Town, chances are, it's one of these committed Horticultural Society volunteers. We appreciate everything they do to keep our Town bright and beautiful.
Are you interested in volunteering with the Kingsville Horticultural Society? Email to get started!