Building and Construction
Under the Legal, Building and Bylaw Enforcement Department, Kingsville accepts building permit applications and digital drawings online through Cloudpermit. Note: hard copies will also remain required until the department fully transitions to digital plans review. Two (2) complete sets of hard copies shall be submitted during the business hours of 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Alternatively, you may submit drawings in the overnight drop-box located at the front entrance of the Municipal Office. All applications are dated and processed in the order in which they are deemed complete.
Why do I need a permit?
Building permits are required to protect the interests of both individuals and the community. Building staff review and approve building plans before work begins, and we carry out inspections while construction is underway. This process ensures buildings comply with:
- The Ontario Building Code
- The local zoning by-law and other planning controls on buildings
- Other applicable legislation, including conservation authority approvals and certain requirements under the Environmental Protection Act
Building Services
We provide services to builders and individuals looking to build or renovate. We issue permits for:
- Construction, renovation, demolition
- Certain change of use of buildings and structures
- Moving
- Installation, alteration, extension or repair of on-site sewage systems
- Plumbing, sewer and water service
- Fence enclosures for swimming pools, and
- Signs
We also carry out inspections to ensure compliance with the Ontario Building Code and issue Occupancy Letters.
What if I fail to get a permit?
Homeowners are responsible for getting a permit before construction starts. Building without a permit is against the law and could result in you and/or your contractor being subject to fines or penalties set out by the Building Code Act.
Projects completed without a permit may not meet the building code standards, resulting in poor construction that may be unsafe; this could lead to costly repairs to correct the problem or even bring about complete construction failure. If you have begun your project without a permit, your permit costs double, and we may pursue legal action to ensure compliance.
You may be surprised to learn when you need a permit to renovate or build around your home or business. Find out if you need a permit before starting your project.
The Town is now using Cloudpermit to streamline and simplify the permit process. Use this portal to track your permit request from application to approval.
Permits are needed to make sure construction projects meet building code standards. If you suspect someone is building without a permit, please let us know.